Paper Title:A Novel Approach for Incorrect Face Recognition using DOG Filter Masking


In the real world, practical applications will face unlimited conditions such as lighting and create variants of obstruction and expressions. This article describes the issues of unchanged positioning technology and research challenges face recognition of unlimited light conditions as the cause of the deviations primarily offers a number of possible Pose invariant technologies for future guidelines that cannot be used as challenges. This document provides pre-processing as a correction of the range, the difference between Gauss (dog) filter and normalized taking into account the overall composition of the images. Make special shape reductions, called Feature Extraction. The kit features extract from relevant information about input data to perform the desired task. The classification procedure is the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), which recognizes the unique and permanent characteristics of the face of a human being and stores these functions in the database templates for individuals. Later, when an individual reviews the ground, their faces are known automatically. The goal is to provide a system that helps in easy retrieval and classification of the exact features of a person.

Keywords:illuminations, digital image, recognition, robust, acquisition, extraction, face recognition, filter masking