Date of Publication :9th March 2018
Abstract: Since the carbon budgeting and sequestration process is going on everywhere to avoid so many natural devastations, this is the best time to shed light on the merits of TES. With this in mind, an idea has been developed to determine the functionalities and uses of a contemporary instrument that plays a vital role conceptually in the calculation of carbon concentration in the Earth's atmosphere. Mitigation of climate change consists of measures to reduce long-term global warming extent or rate and its related consequences. Mitigation of climate change generally means reductions in human (anthropogenic) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Mitigation can also be achieved through increasing the carbon sink capacity, e.g., through reforestation. Mitigation strategies will dramatically reduce the risks associated with global warming caused by humans. One of the issues often discussed regarding mitigation of climate change is the stabilization of atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gases. There are so many anthropogenic gases which are the main cause of the climate change
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