Author : Namitha Reji,Navami Sunil,Sandra Philna Sajiv,Sreeranj S
Date of Publication :21st May 2024
Abstract:A chatbot is an intelligence system that communicates with users through text or voice and provides immediate help and support. Depression is a mental illness that is defined by constant feelings of sadness and disinterest. It is essential that this problem be addressed as soon as possible because depression has an adverse effect on people's relationships, general functioning, and well-being. In the current digital era, chatbots are essential for maintaining mental health and well-being because they offer immediate and easily available support to people in need. The creation of a Depression Companion Chatbot, intended to offer timely and compassionate care to people suffering from depression, is presented in this paper. Using advanced methods like machine learning and natural language processing, the chatbot assesses user context to provide customized responses based on each user's demands. With a focus on compassionate dialogue, the chatbot provides a safe space for users to share their emotions and ask for advice. The Depression Companion Chatbot aims to close gaps in mental health services and give those in need of help a warm and inviting environment by providing a free and open platform.
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