Author : Miss.Vanita M.Gaikwad 1
Date of Publication :10th April 2017
Abstract: A location-aware news feed (LANF) system generates news feeds for a mobile user supported their abstraction preference (i.e., their current location and future locations) and non-spatial preference (i.e., their interest). Existing LANF systems merely send the foremost relevant geo-tagged messages to their users. unfortunately, the key limitation of such associate existing approach is that, a news feed might contain messages related to identical location (i.e., point-of-interest) or identical class of locations (e.g., food, diversion or sport). We argue that diversity may be an important feature for location-aware news feeds as a result of it helps users discover new places and activities. In this paper, we propose News-Feed; a replacement LANF system allows a user to specify the minimum variety of message classes (h) for the messages in a very news feed. In News-Feed, our objective is to with efficiency schedule news feeds for a mobile user at their current and expected locations, such (i) every news feed contains messages happiness to a minimum of h completely different classes, and (ii) their total connectedness to the user is maximized. To attain this objective, we formulate the matter into 2 components, namely, a choice drawback and an improvement drawback. For the choice drawback, we offer a definite answer by modeling it as a most flow drawback and proving its correctness. The improvement drawback is resolved by our projected three-stage heuristic formula. we conduct a user study and experiments to estimating the performance of News-Feed employing a real information set crawled from Experimental results show that our projected three-stage heuristic planning formula outperforms the brute-force optimum formula by a minimum of associate order of magnitude in terms of period of time and also the relative error incurred by the heuristic formula is below 125th. News-Feed with the placement prediction methodology effectively improves the connectedness, diversity, and potency of reports feeds.
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