Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

Stegano Pin: Indirect Method for Pin Entry Security

Author : S.Pallavi 1 D.Shekar Goud 2

Date of Publication :10th November 2017

Abstract: Users typicalIy reuse the same personalized identification number(PIN) for muItiple systems and in numerous sessions. Direct PIN entries are highly susceptible to shoulder—surfing attacks as attackers can effectively observe PIN entry with concealed cameras. Indirect PIN entry methods proposed as counter measures are rarely deployed because they demand a heavier cognitive workload for users. To achieve security and usability, a practicaI indirect PIN entry method called SteganoPlN is presented. The human—machine interface of SteganoPlN is two numeric keypads, one covered and the other open, designed to physically block shoulder surfing attacks. After locating a long —term PIN in the more typical layout, through the covered permuted keypad, a user generates a one—time PIN that can safely be entered in plain view of attackers. Forty—eight participants were involved in investigating the PIN entry time and error rate of SteganoPlN. Our experimental manipulation used a within—subject factorial design with two independent variables: PIN entry system (standard PIN, SteganoPlN) and PIN type (system—chosen PIN, user— chosen PIN). The PIN entry time in SteganoPlN (5.4—5.7 s) was slower but acceptable, and the error rate (0—2. ° ) was not significantly different from that of the standard PIN. SteganoPlN is resilient to camera—based shoulder—surfing attacks over multiple authentication sessions. It remains limited to PIN —based authentication

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