Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

A Remote User Authentication Operation using CaRP schemes

Author : Mrs.Sindhu M.R 1 Mrs.Sarita Patil 2 Mrs.UrmilaBiradar 3 Nilesh P Sable 4

Date of Publication :30th November 2017

Abstract: Image based password schemes are constructed to authenticate users. Graphical passwords are composed of images and sketches with human memory for visual information. Improved password memorability and strength against guessing attacks are the key benefits of graphical password schemes. Graphical passwords are classified into three main categories. They are recall, recognition and cued-recall methods. Recall based graphical password systems are drawn metric systems. Recognition based systems, also known as cogno metric systems or search metric systems. Cued recall systems typically require that users remember and target specific locations within an image. Graphical passwords and Captcha schemes are integrated to perform the user authentication with improved security mechanism. Captcha as graphical passwords (CaRP) is a graphical password scheme used for user authentication. Online guessing attacks, relay attacks and shoulder surfing attacks are handled in CaRP. CaRP is click-based graphical passwords where a sequence of clicks on an image is used to derive a password. Dynamic captcha challenge image is used for each login attempt in CaRP. Text Captcha and image-recognition Captcha are used in CaRP scheme. Text CaRP scheme constructs the password by clicking the right character sequence on CaRP images. CaRP schemes can be classified into two categories recognition based CaRP and recognition-recall based CaRP. Recognition-based CaRP seems to have access to an infinite number of different visual objects. Recognition-recall based CaRP requires recognizing an image and using the recognized objects as cues to enter a password. Recognition-recall combines the tasks of both recognition and cued-recall. Password information is transferred and verified using hash codes. Secure channels between clients and the authentication server through Transport Layer Security (TLS). The system is improved with distribution analysis and transmission security features. Pattern based attacks are handled with Color and Spatial patterns. Pixel colors in click points are considered in the color pattern analysis model. Pixel location patterns are considered in the spatial pattern analysis model.

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