Author : A.Kodeeswaran 1
Date of Publication :30th November 2017
Abstract: One of the main issues in the modern society is maintaining health and so we make it modernized and self-usable for all people. The aim of this project is to bring healthcare to people in need. People in rural areas can use this system to connect to internet from a centre and answer some questions to get some medical advice and keep their health record clean. If it is minor it suggests medicines or also gives doctor contacts. E health care is a new trend that recently comes in to use with the availability of new electronic and software applications. We are developing a web-based healthcare system in order reach every single person who is in need. A Few software users in this are Java, PHP and MySQL. A brief description of this system, a patient in need logs in through an Id they create. Then the person has to answer a series of questions related to health. The system gathers all the answers, analyses and manipulates and gives a most appropriate answer. It either gives a health issue according to it the person could go ahead or if it thinks it’s more of a serious issue it gives contacts of doctors related to it. This system also holds all the records of that particular logged in patient’s account.
Reference :
- Overview for healthcare professionals. L.A. Care Health Plan. (2012).
- Electronic consultations (e-consults) to improve access to specialty care: A systematic review and narrative synthesis.
- Implementation of an Electronic Referral System for Outpatient Specialty Care, Straus, S. G., Chen, A. H., Yee, H. F., Kushel, M. B., & Bell, D. S. (2011).
- Telehealth: Breaking Down Barriers for More Connected Healthcare (2013)
- Implementation of an Electronic Referral System for Outpatient Specialty Care, Straus, S. G., Chen, A. H., Yee,