Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

Near Field Communication (NFC) The RFID Technology that can connect unpowered objects to internet achieving IoT at a cheaper price.

Author : Skanda Kumar.B 1 Nandan goud.B 2

Date of Publication :30th November 2017

Abstract: The invention of Internet has made the day-to-day life facile and less complicated. A new revolution of the Internet is the Internet of things (IoT) where various devices and systems are connected to leverage data anywhere, anytime that is expected to spread rapidly, over the coming years. A new dimension of services will be unleashed due to this confluence and motivation thereby improving the Quality of livelihood. For Internet-enabled electronic devices, the Internet of Things is as close as the nearest hotspot. But what about all the objects too small, remote, or unpowered to make a secure Internet connection. The answer to this problem is NFC. NFC solves the problem of connecting unpowered objects that lack network access. By embedding NFC tags in unpowered, disconnected objects, you can add intelligence anywhere. Today there are 500 million NFC-enabled devices on the market, and eventually, the majority of things in our environment will have NFC tags on them. Hereby considering the real-world use cases of NFC tags by incorporating into the student's life it is shown how some of the problems a student faces in daily life can be solved, Making students life much more productive and comfortable.This can be done as NFC tags can be used for repetitive and mundane tasks and sometimes eliminate the need of remembering things by making unpowered things interactive, by these ten real-world use case scenarios of NFC in student life the author is trying to portray The revolutionary impact NFC technology has in making Internet Of Things a Reality and recognize NFC’s role as a key enabler of the Internet of Things at the cheaper price.

Reference :

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