Author : Diksha N.Prabhu Khorjuvenkar 1
Date of Publication :22nd February 2018
Abstract: It is remarkable to note that the scope of Natural Language Processing (NLP) is developing and increasing in the area of text mining. Natural Language Processing is a field that covers computer understanding and deals with the manipulation of human language. Human language is an unstructured source of information, and hence to use it, as an input to a computer program, it has to be, first, converted into a structured format [3]. Parts of Speech (POS) tagging is one of the steps which assigns a particular part of speech to a respective word. POS is difficult because most words tend to have more than one parts of speech in different cases and some parts of speech are complex or unspoken. This paper aims at developing part of speech tagging model for Konkani language, using the Konkani corpus
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