Author : Harshit Mandada 1
Date of Publication :10th April 2018
Abstract: Now-a-day’s maintaining or processing big data is a critical challenging problem. One of the important sources for scientific big data is the datasets gathered through the wireless sensor networks (WSN). For a WSN application to realize an appropriate result, it is required that the data received is clean, accurate, and lossless. However, effective error detection as well as cleaning of sensor big data errors is a challenging problem demanding novel solutions. In this paper, we propose a novel error detection approach to detecting errors in big data sets from sensor networks. This approach is the best solution to detecting errors even faster in big sensor data. This proposed approach works based on scale-free network topology and also this approach will be based on the classification of error types. By implementing this approach we can achieve significant time performance enhancement in error detection without compromising error detection accuracy.
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