Author : Mayank Soni 1
Date of Publication :19th April 2018
Abstract: Today, the Internet has been a boon in the modern era but, along with it the expanding advancements towards Internet and Network security exploitations’ have been an issue of great concern. To overcome this hurdle, this paper introduces with an elderly practical and pre-emptive security technology – Honeypot to explicitly lure, ploy and stratagem anyone who attempts to penetrate anyone’s computer or network systems. Honeypot’s work on deluding the mugger by tempting, thus delaying and distracting the target and ploying to track, record and analyze the attacker’s deeds comprehensively. This paper details the concept of honeypots applied to websites, their possible placements, interaction levels and potential threats surrounding it
Reference :
- Honeynet Project. "Know Your Enemy: Honeynets." 24 March 2008. http:/ /old. honeynet. org/papers /honeynet/ An overview of honeypots with a good discussion of their advantages and disadvantages.
- Mukherjee, B., L. Heberlein and K. Levitt. "Network Intrusion Detection." IEEE Network May/Jun 1994: 26-41.
- honeypot Definition - PC Magazine. 24 March 2009.,2542,t= honeypot&i=44335,00.asp PC Magazine's encyclopedia entry for honeypotK. Elissa, “Title of paper if known,” unpublished.
- Talabis, Ryan. "Honeypots 101: A Brief History of Honeypots." 2007. A fairly recent history of honeypots. The article does not provide in-depth information about events and implementations, but is a good starting point for a thorough survey of honeypot history.
- Talabis, Ryan. "Honeypots 101: A Honeypot By Any Other Name." 2007. A non-technical introduction to honeypots. M. Young, The Technical Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989.
- Verwoerd, Theuns and Ray Hunt. "Intrusion detection techniques and approaches." Computer Communications 15 September 2002: 1356-1365.