Author : Aboloko .S. Oberoro 1
Date of Publication :27th April 2018
Abstract: Mobile agents can be described as programs that perform a given task on behalf of its owner. The growing need for Mobile Agent Technology (MAT) has been accompanied by corresponding issues like security and ethics. These challenges have resulted in global cold-feet towards mobile agent technology. The fundamental security issues in a mobile agent system are masquerading, denial of service, eavesdropping, alteration, repudiation and tailgating. Various models and techniques to detect and prevent these attacks, especially the host agent platform, have been proposed and implemented. However, most of these existing studies on the host agent platform dwelt mainly on authorized access security issues. An unauthorized social engineering security issue like tailgating attack is yet to be given the deserved consideration. This study developed a Multi gating Security The framework that detects and prevents a tailgating attack of the host agent platform in a mobile agent system.
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