Author : Sakthi Vel S. 1
Date of Publication :27th April 2018
Abstract: The entitled paper details about the very fundamentals of NLP technologies and its relevance in Indian languages along with a view of its current status. NLP is an inter-disciplinary field of Computer Science, Linguistics, Psychology and Logic, Which concerned with the interactions between User and Computer. It is the process in which computers analyze the input provided in human languages and convert the input into a useful form of representation. NLP technologies are becoming extremely relevant in satisfying the need for user friendly interactions with computer. It is popularly known in other term as Human Computer Interaction (HCI). The HCI applications are specifically required in the areas of automatic or Machine Translation (MT), Information Retrieval/ Extraction (IR/IE), automatic Text and Speech processing etc. The soul focus of the entitled review paper is to provide an overall up to date view about the research and developments of NLP technologies in the multilingual Indian context. The first phase of the paper summed up with the introduction to NLP, levels of Language analysis, different components of NLP and overall structure of NLP. The second phase allotted to detail about the present scenario of various researches and developments of NLP technologies and systems in Indian languages.
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