Author : P. Hruday Kumar 1
Date of Publication :18th April 2018
Abstract: Mobile cooperative community (MCC) is associate degree rising technology that enables multiple mobile nodes (MNs) to perform a resource intensive task, lovemassive content transfer, during a cooperative manner. during this paper, we have a tendency to introduce a proxy-based collaboration system for the MCC wherever a content proxy (CProxy) determines the number of chunks and therefore the sharing order scheduled to every MN, and therefore the received chunks area unit shared among MNs via Wi-Fi Direct. we have a tendency to formulate a multi-objective optimisation drawback to attenuate each the cooperative content transfer time and therefore the energy consumption in associate degree MCC, and propose a heuristic algorithmic rule for resolution the optimisation drawback. intensive simulations area unit applied to guage the results of the amount of MNs, the wireless information measure, the content size, and dynamic channel conditions on the content transfer time and therefore the energy consumption. Our results demonstrate that the projected algorithmic rule are able to do near-optimal performance associate degreed considerably cut back the content transfer time and has an energy consumption adore that of alternative algorithms. Index Terms Mobile cooperative community, content transfer, proxy-based collaboration system, _-local search of sharing order (_-LSSO).
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