Author : Dr.S.Chakaravarthi 1
Date of Publication :25th April 2018
Abstract: Usually, the sending of messages or communication between the nodes are done by proximity based mobile opportunistic social network. When sending the messages from one to another there is the chance of packet loss i.e missing of information. This is usually happened by communication between the nodes are done by real id . In current method, the prevention of message or information are done by FaceChange i.e changing of real id to alias name or id. Here, we use advance method of not only preventing the information while communication but also check the trustworthy ness of the third party authority and verify whether the communication are done between the real node are alias node. This is mainly effective in group communication where we cannot check that the near by node are real node or malicious node or attacker node. Once when we come to know that the attacker node is active it gives the warning or kind of information that which node is attacker node to all other trusted node or communicating node
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