Author : Sharada 1
Date of Publication :18th April 2018
Abstract: Campus navigator is a mobile application which is based on Bluetooth. We are proposing a solution for students, parents and visitors who visit’s the college for the first time, they does not know where the destination location present in order to solve that problem we are suggested this method. They can use their own smart phones and an embedded device for additional information. The data from Bluetooth gets transmitted and it can be monitored in Smartphone. Our proposal is more suited for campus environment of manufacture industries, software companies, college and universities, government campus etc. In this project we are concentrating on visitor assistance and security for the campus. Both concepts are achieved successfully. Speech output is embedded in the project which provides better assistance for the visitor.
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- Sharada, Abhilasha B, Jyothi G.P, Sapna B Kulkarni ,”RYMEC campus navigator with speech assistance” , IJARCCE , DOI 10.17148/IJARCCE , Vol. 7,Issue 2, February 2018