Author : Arpitha B A 1
Date of Publication :17th May 2019
Abstract: The growth in an industrial and infrastructural frameworks leads to the environmental affairs like pollution. Pollution is becoming serious issue so there is need to build such a flourishing system which overcomes the problems and monitor as well as control the parameters. Industrial Automation is the control of electronic devices in our industrial whether we are there or aware. This system is designed to be low cost, low energy and expandable allowing a variety of devices to be controlled. It is a voice based industrial automation system which will be very useful for old aged people and disabled people, basically for one’s who cannot perform basic activity efficiently. The main aim of this project is to make life easier and control industrial appliances by android voice command using Wi-Fi as communication protocol between raspberry-pi and Android device. It includes controlling industrial appliances remotely through phone, laptop etc. The main objective is to design a smart industrial automation which can be controlled and monitored by the Raspberry Pi via the Internet of Things(IoT). This will help the industrial owners to provide a simple, fast and reliable way to automate and manage their industrial.
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