Author : Siji Joju 1
Date of Publication :7th June 2019
Abstract: This papers discusses and gives a brief overview of the popular physical and behavioral biometric techniques used in identification and recognition of users to create secure systems. Biometrics gains significant importance in this technical world and it means analysis of biological data. It is defined as the technology of analyzing individual person based on physiological, behavioral or morphological traits such as face, fingerprint, iris, retina, voice, and signature etc,. It is possible to establish one’s identity with the help of biometric techniques. Today biometric have been successfully deployed in various fields like forensic science, security, identification and authorization system. For the last three decades, lot of research work has to be carried out for the growth of biometric system based on fingerprint, voice, iris, face, etc, but recently new biometrics has been come up. To provide a comprehensive survey, this paper presents an overview to various biometric systems, their applications, limitations and the different type of biometrics recognition systems.
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