Author : Madhav Panthee 1
Date of Publication :15th May 2019
Abstract: E-Governance, as an effective means of governance in Nepal was already conceptualized with the implementation of the first IT Policy in the year 2000. However, the implementation of e-Governance has not been largely successful. With failure to effectively implement e-Governance and the persisting digital divide, it has become necessary to find an alternative strategy for e- Governance implementation in the country. Socio-economic and cultural changes have created a huge growth in the telecom market in Nepal. Even still, policy makers and experts in the field have not yet set focus on m-Governance which could take advantage of the growth in the telecom sector and enable the country to implement an effective form of e-Governance using mobile technologies. The issues with e-Governance implementation observed in Nepal and the possibility of using a sustainable m- Governance framework for overcoming digital divide is researched.
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