Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

Design and Optimization of Reversible Binary to Gray and Gray to Binary Code Converter with Power Dissipation Analysis using QCA

Author : Aamir Suhail Taray 1 Purnima Hazra 2 Satyendra Kumar Singh 3

Date of Publication :2nd June 2021

Abstract: Whenever an evolving technology approaches a dead end, a new technological revolution is needed. “The present“ VLSI technology is based on the technology of CMOS. Due to the new challenges in the existing technology, the advanced technology based on quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA) has been introduced.QCA is an interesting area in nano-computing technology, providing an alternative approach to resolve the physical limitations faced by CMOS systems during further down scaling of their significant sizes. At nanometer scale, QCA offers powerful features like higher packaging density, minimized area, much lesser power consumption and better operating speed. Current logic gates really aren’t power saving or energy efficient because they are not inherently reversible in nature and thus results in the dissipation of energy. Therefore, a serious effort is required to provide an effective model for the design of circuits that do not dissipate energy and hence preserve information. Power-efficient circuits can be constructed with more precision which ultimately increase the lifetime and speed of the circuit using this technique. The successful design of the Feynman gate-based reversible Binary to Gray and Gray to Binary code converter using QCA is presented in this paper. The proposed design proves to be efficient in terms of cell size, cell count, overall area, latency and complexity. The outcome shows that the configuration of the design is territory proficient and has a lower clock delay. Besides, the circuit setup is extremely clear and did not use any flipped, translated QCA cells, and offers single-layer access to their information sources and outcomes. This encoder circuit using reversible logic gates can be further explored for the designing of other low power loss devices”.”In addition to this for the first time energy dissipation analysis for different scenarios is also done on all the designs using QCA Pro-tool and it is observed that the proposed designs dissipate minimum energy thereby making them suitable for Ultra-low power designs. All the proposed reversible code converter prototypes have been simulated and the QCA Designer tool has checked their credibility successfully”.

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