Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

A Research Article on Emerging Trends and Future Computing

Author : Arul Prakash 1

Date of Publication :24th October 2017

Abstract: Quantum computing is the new field of science which utilizes quantum phenomena to perform operations on information. The objective of quantum computing is to discover algorithms that are impressively faster than classical algorithms taking care of a similar issue. As everybody knows that in classical computers, a single state exist on the double for example either 0 or 1 yet in quantum computers both (qubits) exist during a single state that is the reason the calculation is quicker than classical computers. In this paper discuss on the need of quantum computing and the points of interest they offer us in contrast and the classical Computers. Discourse with respect to the components of Quantum computing will be performed. Alongside this the difficulties to Quantum registering will be talked about in the specific paper. The quantum Computers are equipped for performing expectation based assignments rapidly and precisely with higher exactness. The quantum registering is an eventual fate of PC and hardware innovation.

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