Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

Multi View Video Summarization Using RNN and SURF Based High Level Moving Object Feature Frames

Author : Vinsent Paramanantham 1 Dr. S. SureshKumar 2

Date of Publication :19th May 2022

Abstract: Multi-View Video summarization is a process to ease the storage consumption that facilitates organized storage, and perform other mainline videos analytical task. This in-turn helps quick search or browse and retrieve the video data with minimum time and without losing crucial data. In static video summarization, there is less challenge in time and sequence issues to rearrange the video-synopsis. The low-level features are easy to compute and retrieve. But for high-level features like event detection, emotion detection, object recognition, face detection, gesture detection, and others requires the comprehension of the video content. This research is to propose an approach to over- come the difficulties in handling the high-level features. The distinguishable contents from the videos are identified by object detection and feature-based area strategy. The major aspect of the proposed solution is to retrieve the attributes of a motion source from a video frame. By dividing the details of the object that are available in the video frame wavelet decomposition are achieved. The motion frequency scoring method records the time of motions in the video. The frequency motion feature of video usage is a challenge given the continuous change of objects shape. Therefore, the object position and corner points are spotted using Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) feature points. Support vector machine clustering extracts keyframes. The memory-based re- current neural network (RNN) recognizes the object in the video frame and remembers a long sequence. RNN is an artificial neural network where nodes form a temporal relationship. The attention layer in the proposed RNN network extracts the details about the objects in motion. The motion objects identified using the three video clippings is finally summarized using video summarization algorithm. To perform the simulation, MATLAB R 2014b software was used.

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