Author : Ranjan V 1
Date of Publication :9th June 2022
Abstract: Corona virus is the most recently discovered causing deadly disease COVID-19. Situations in present world is getting worst because of new variants evolving day by day. It affects economically as well as socially causing great threat to human lives to peril. COVID-19 pandemic caused the entire globe to force for lockdowns in sequence to forestall proliferation of corona virus. A proper face mask and monitoring body temperature can help the authorities to notice people who are at the high risk of infection and prevents security guards getting infected. Omicron virus contamination gives rise to a great threat in the society regardless of age. According to the survey conducted, wearing mask can avert the proliferation of covid-19. Wearing mask is made mandatory everywhere especially in public places. WHO declared that high temperature is one of the symptom of variant. Here we can avoid the person without mask and having high temperature. Face mask detection is achieved using CNN technology specifically MobilenetV2 and temperature of a person is detected using MLX90614 IR temperature sensor and by making use of servo motor barrier movement can take place. Generally, gate remains open, only when having high risk of temperature and not having mask it closes and buzzer. The main goal is to prevent the society from deadly virus infection and making life easier
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