Author : Fiza Mariam 1
Date of Publication :1st July 2022
Abstract: As there is a lot of advancement in the field of technology there are many eye-catching inventions in the domains of machine learning, artificial intelligence, internet of things and so on, due to these advancements, with the customer point of view people start expecting a lot. Nowadays people go to shopping on a daily basis. Customers have very little time to spare for standing in queues for billing purpose. In this paper, we are presenting a smart shopping cart with mobile cart application which is a prominent solution for the above-mentioned problem. this smart shopping cart comes with raspberry Pi controller, RFID Reader, RFID Tags, L298N Motor Drivers, Pi Camera, Load Cell and a Mobile Cart application. The customer needs scan the product using RFID reader which is attached to the cart, the load cell will get the weight of the items in cart and all the price details will be reflected in the online application. After all the items are scanned the final bill will be displayed on the application and the bill payment can be done using the same application
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