Author : Jonaline Z. Eustaquio 1
Date of Publication :28th September 2023
Abstract: Information systems are a collection of interconnected elements that work together to gather, analyze, store, and distribute data in order to assist organizational decision-making, management, control, analysis, and visualization. The main objective of the study is to develop an effective and efficient Web-based Students Registration System of ISPSC with Decision Support Capability. Specifically, it addressed to achieve the following objectives: to assess the existing procedures of students-related activities in terms of registration, billing, grading, scholarship, and retention; to develop and enhance the existing procedures of student-related activities; and to evaluate the level of usability of the proposed system using CSUQ. Rapid Application Development Model was used on designing and developing the system for the purpose of accelerating the process of developing the system and reduced the time of development. With the existing process of ISPSC Tagudin Campus, the respondents encounter problems that always make the process slow and inefficient. Therefore, there is a need to develop the proposed system. The result of the interview was used to determine the features of the developed System of ISPSC with Decision Support Capabilities. Therefore, all features were integrated into the developed system. Lastly the result of CSUQ questionnaire was very highly usable.
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