Author : Pranav Simha R 1
Date of Publication :30th November 2023
Abstract: The yield and quality of plants are significantly impacted by plant diseases and pests. The effects of plant diseases on plant growth are more pronounced. It is regarded as a natural catastrophe since it also has an impact on and significantly lowers the yield. The identification of plant diseases may be done via digital image processing. Our project's major emphasis is image processing of plants, namely determining if they are healthy or sick and whether they are infected with germs and viruses. The classification network analyses the input picture after receiving the test image and outputs a label designating the image's categorization. Three models have been used in our study. Three models have been used in our study. Model-1 uses a CNN architecture, Model-2 will use VGG19, and Model 3 will use ResNet50. Consequently, a comparison of three models will be done
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