Date of Publication :7th September 2015
Abstract: Since World War 1, individuals as well as organization were really concerned regarding the security of their data. From that period till now cryptography [20] has been playing a critical role. A lot of researchers have been doing a lot of work regarding the improvement of the security levels. Till now a number of solutions are being implemented to secure the data. Various cryptographic algorithms like RC4[19], DES[13], Triple-DES, AES, RSA[18], DSA etc. have come into picture. But if we check the history of, when an algorithms is developed it looks like it cannot be broken, but some day someone does break it. Then again a new algorithm takes birth and the history is repeated again. Among these based on security levels and speed of encryption and decryption, AES[21] is considered by NIST and other researchers as most efficient. Though it is provides best security to data, there is no guaranty that it is unbreakable forever. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a symmetric key cryptographic algorithm. Based on the length of the key there are 3 versions of AES, which are, AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256[20]. In this research we are proposing an efficient framework using these three versions of AES with different combinations to strengthen the cipher against the attackers especially brute force attacks and side channel attacks. The proposed system is tested with text as well as images and the results are significant. This framework’s design is feasible, reliable as it provides high level security and is also time efficient, when compared to the processing time of the algorithms individually. This system can be used by cloud servers, banking organizations, message forwarding systems, defense organizations, e-commerce entities[25] etc.
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