Author : Anjitha K 1
Date of Publication :7th October 2015
Abstract: CAPTCHAs, also known as reverse Turing tests are real-time assessments that are commonly used by programs to tell humans and machines apart. This can be achieved by assigning and assessing or evaluating hard AI problems such that these problems could only be solved easily by human but not by machines. A new security approach based on hard AI problems and Captcha technology is known as Captcha as gRaphical Passwords (CaRP). This scheme can address many security problems such as dictionary attacks, online guessing attacks and shoulder-surfing attacks etc. In this paper, we present an enhanced security for the CaRP scheme i,e CaRP with motion-based Captcha. The movement of Captcha ensures high security over the normal CaRP scheme. Motion-based captcha can provide a great challenge for humans in exploiting the remarkable perceptual abilities or skills of humans to unravel structure-from-motion. Thus it can thwart many attacks, can enforce more security and it stipulates security along with usability to legitimate users in dealing with real time applications.
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