Author : Saurbh kumar 1
Date of Publication :7th December 2015
Abstract: Email is electronic mail. It is method of exchanging digital messages from source to destination. The exchange of messages from an author to one or more. Email messages can be text files, graphics images and sound files. But now-a-days, the problem in the email is spam and security also. Text editor is included in the email systems to compose the messages. When one send the message to the on specified address then one can also send the same message to the several users and this is called broadcasting. Email filtering is the processing of email to systematize it according to the exact criteria. Most often this refers to the automatic processing of incoming messages, but the term is also used to the involvement of human intelligence in addition to anti-spam techniques. Bayesian spam filtering is a statistical method of e-mail filtering. Bayesian spam filtering makes use for Naive Bayes classifier to make out spam e-mail. Work is classified by Bayesian to compare the use of tokens i.e typically words, or we can say irregularly other things, with spam and non-spam emails. Bayesian spam filtering is a extremely powerful technique for constricting with spam, that can adapt itself to the email needs of individual users, and gives low false positive spam finding rates that are generally acceptable to users. Our purpose is to reduce the misclassification error.
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