Date of Publication :7th March 2016
Abstract: The concept of Smart India is surging, the more appropriate way to make it smarter is rushing it in the veins of the Engineers of India. We propose a solution which can act as the driving force for making the rate at which smart homes, smart cities, smart villages are being build grow exponentially. LoT is a research project at Microsoft which is currently deployed at the home level but it is highly scalable to be extended to the entire city, entire India and even the globe. LoT is a platform for deploying and maintaining IoT devices on a click. It offers the entire infrastructure so that the complete focus is on app development without having pre-requisite (know-how) of technology stack. Using LoT, we offer solutions to basic problems in home, cities and villages of India and show how this solutions can be deployed and maintained using LoT.
Reference :
- A.J Bernheim Brush, Lab of Things: A Devices Research and Teaching Platform for Home and Beyond, Microsoft Research, ACM 978-1-4503-2605- 6/14/03
- A.J. Bernheim Brush, Evgeni Filippov, Danny Huang, Jaeyeon Jung, Ratul Mahajan, Frank Martinez, Khurshed Mazhar, Amar Phanishayee, Arjmand Samuel, James Scott, Rayman Preet Singh, Lab of Things: A Platform for Conducting Studies with Connected Devices in Multiple Homes, ACM 978-1-4503-2215-7/13/09.
- Nilanjan Banerjee and Sami Rollins, Lab of Things in Education, Microsoft Research.
- A..Jameer Basha, Lab of Things (LoT), Prof. & Head, Department of Information Technology, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Kovaipudur, Coimbatore, CSI Communication, Volume No. 39, Issue No. 10, January 2016,pp-17-18.
- Matthai Philipose, LAB OF THINGS Building a Research Platform for Home and Beyond, Microsoft Research, October 2014 | Volume 18, Issue 4