Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

Car Pooling Android Application

Author : Kapil Kamble 1 Mohd. Irfan 2 Suraj Phalake 3 Sandeep Kamble 4

Date of Publication :7th March 2016

Abstract: In today's scenario, there are lots of people commuting from place to place. And lot of times, it happens that people travel via car or bike and there is vacant space to take a fellow employee along with him to give a ride. But the problem is there is no easy way to know with how many people a person can share their ride also co-ordination is a huge issue because there is no efforts taken by people to help others by giving them lift, if sharing of ride is done they can save the environment by reducing fuel usage and doing traffic reduction with fewer vehicles etc. The Carpooling is an android application which will provide the advanced searching techniques that can give most relevant results for carpooling in the city. This will be helpful in reducing the costs involved in repetitive or long distance driving by sharing cars and the rental charges, or paying the main car owner. Carpooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person can travel in a car. Carpooling reduces each person’s travels costs such as fuel costs, tolls, and can also prove to be an environment friendly measure. By sharing cars passengers travelling in same direction can distribute the fare among themselves. Carpooling is also seen as a more environment friendly and sustainable way to travel as sharing of journeys can help in reducing carbon emissions, traffic congestion on the roads, and the need for parking spaces. The authorities often encourage carpooling, especially during high pollution periods and high fuel prices. We intent to make an ANDROID based application that will enable to let people know if vehicles are available for carpool in their desired path they can create account on app and send request to owner who create the car pool. By using this application people would be getting an option to share expense by sharing hired a cab and making new connections. People having this application on their devices can easily carpool with unacquainted people without worrying about security.

Reference :

    1. Shangyao Yan, Chun-Ying Chen, and Yu-Fang Lin, “A Model with a Heuristic Algorithm for Solving the LongTerm Many-to-Many Carpooling Problem”, IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems, vol. 12, no. 4, december 2011.
    2. George Dimitrakopoulos, Panagiotis Demestichas, and Vera Koutra. “Intelligent Management Functionality for Improving Transportation Efficiency by Means of The Carpooling Concept”, ieee transactions on intelligent transportation systems, vol. 13, no. 2, june 2012
    3. Gérald Arnould, Djamel Khadraoui, Marcelo Armendáriz, Juan C. Burguillo, Ana Peleteiro,” A Transport Based Clearing System for Dynamic Carpooling Business Services” 2011 11th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications.
    4. SocioTechnical Support for Ride Sharing,Paul Resnick, Associate Professor, University of Michigan, School of Information
    5. “A Smart Real Time Ridesharing And Travel Assist”, International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242, Volume 4 Issue 2 February 2015, Page No. 10264-10269
    6. “Real-Time Carpooling System For Android Platform”, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology(IJEIT) Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2012

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