Author : Shraddha Manjappa 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2016
Abstract: Application development has evolved bringing a significant change in the field of software programming. Each and every software application has its own unique characteristic feature and purpose. Thus, the aim of the project is to develop an application that will incorporate the features and functionalities of various applications. The Linux based Global File Reader is a desktop application that can open files of different extensions in single software. The main objective of this project is to view the most commonly used file formats like text, document, image, audio, video, power point presentation, excel, html file and pdf. In the existing scenario, we need to download separate software to work with each distinct file type. This utilizes a lot of storage space and resources which sometimes affects the processing performance. Also, cross-platform compatibility issues of file viewing are faced when we work on different operating systems. Therefore, we intend to develop the project in GNU/Linux operating system and make it run on both Windows and Linux platform. The Linux based Global File Reader will overcome the need of multiple software applications since their functionalities will be integrated in one application and provide platform independence.
Reference :
- overview.htm.
- /org/apache/commons/io/package-use.html.