Author : M.Preethika 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2016
Abstract: People have the power to access the internet anywhere and anytime. Cloud computing is a concept that treats the resources on the Internet as an unified entity, namely cloud. The data center operators virtualized the resources according to the needs of the customers and expose them as storage pools, which the customers can themselves use to store files or data objects. Physically, the resources may get stored across multiple servers. So, Data robustness is a major requirement for such storage systems. In this paper we have suggested one way to provide data robustness that is by replicating the message such that each storage server stores a copy of the message. We have enhanced the secure cloud storage system by using a threshold proxy reencryption technique. This encryption scheme supports decentralized erasure codes applied over encrypted messages and data forwarding operations over encrypted and encoded messages. Our system is highly distributed where each storage server independently encodes and forward messages and key servers independently perform partial decryption.
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