Author : Saravanan.S 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2016
Abstract: The Existing semantically secure public-key searchable encryption schemes take search time linear with the total number of the cipher texts which makes retrieval from large-scale databases prohibitive. In order to overcome this problem, this paper proposes searchable public-key cipher texts with the hidden structures (SPCHS) for keyword search as fast as possible without compromising with semantic security of the encrypted keywords. In SPCHS, all keyword-searchable cipher texts are structured by the hidden relations, and also with the search trapdoor corresponding to a keyword, the minimum information is disclosed to a search algorithm as the guidance to find all matching cipher texts in an efficient manner. We have constructed an SPCHS scheme in which the cipher texts have a hidden star-like structure. We prove our proposed scheme to be semantically secure in the random oracle (RO) model. The search complexity of our scheme is fully dependent on the actual number of the cipher texts containing the queried keyword, rather than the number of all cipher texts. Hence we present a generic SPCHS construction from anonymous identity-based encryption and collision-free identity-based key encapsulation mechanism (IBKEM) with anonymity. We are interested in providing highly efficient search performance without compromising with semantic security in PEKS. We illustrate two collision-free IBKEM instances, which are semantically secure and anonymous, respectively, in the RO and standard models. The latter instance enables us to construct an SPCHS scheme with semantic security in the standard model.
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