Author : Poonam Hajare 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2016
Abstract: Smart city is defined as the ability to incorporate multiple technological solutions in secure fashion to manage the city assets. Emerging needs to make cities smarter, as proposed by IMB in Smarter planet program which mention the collaboration between the different city agencies such as health care agencies, transport agencies, various govt. agencies etc. This collaboration in smart cities will generate a huge data set. By applying complex event processing on these data set we can solve the various real time problems related to above mentioned agencies. Event processing is nothing but processing of the past or real time dataset to generate the new conclusion. These conclusions are helpful to find the opportunities or threats about any particular event. Complex event processing uses data mining to process the given dataset and give the essential event pattern as output. There is very less research work in India for calculating required conclusion from multiple dataset. This proposed system will help to propagate the optimum conclusion.
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