Author : D.V. Lalita Parameswari 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2016
Abstract: Image clustering analysis plays an important role in data mining applications which groups set of pixels. Traditional approaches of clustering are based on deviation of the Euclidean distance which leads to the clusters of spherical shapes and input parameters are to be specified which are hard to determine. To overcome this, density based clustering techniques like DBSCAN,OPTICS are used to cluster satellite images. Thus, only low-dimensional images can be processed with limited computer memory and computing speed. This paper emphasizes on the implementation of P-Tree which requires very less memory and is very efficient for lossless image representation and compression. Thus a new Peano count tree (P-Tree) method is proposed on DBSCAN and OPTICS clustering techniques on satellite images. The DBSCAN and OPTICS clustering techniques are implemented on satellite images by applying P-tree structure. These techniques are compared and analyzed with accuracy and kappa statistic performance measures. It is ascertained that the performance of DBSCAN and OPTICS clustering techniques with P-tree is efficient than the clustering without P-tree. Further the accuracy and kappa statistic are better for OPTICS method than DBSCAN.
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