Author : S.Boominathan 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2016
Abstract: Cloud computing technology brings innovative computing facilities to the management of the data resources. In the computing environments, the cloud servers can offer various data services such as remote data storage, outsourced delegation, computing applications. sharing and retrieving the data are ensure with Ciphertext Policy- Attribute Based Encryption (CPABE), Verifiable Delegation (VD) which helps in data isolation and the verifiability of entrustment on fraudulent cloud servers. In the cloud, for achieve access control and trust data top secret, the data owners could take up attribute-based encryption to encrypt the stored data. During the encryption process the access policies may not be flexible enough. The proposed secure outsourced ABE technique addresses on key issuing and Attribute-based encryption (ABE) with outsourced decryption not only enables finegrained sharing of encrypted data, but also overcomes the efficiency drawback (in terms of ciphertext size and decryption cost) of the standard ABE schemes. In particular, an ABE scheme with outsourced decryption allows a third party (e.g., a cloud server) to transform an ABE ciphertext into a (short) ElGamal-type ciphertext using a public transformation key provided by a user so that the latter can be decrypted much more efficiently than the former by the user.
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