Author : K Prabhu Kiran 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2016
Abstract: With the proliferation of image data, the need to search and retrieve images efficiently and accurately from a large image database or a collection of image databases has drastically increased. To address such a demand, a unified framework called Markov Model Mediators (MMMs) is proposed in this paper to facilitate conceptual database clustering and to improve the query processing performance by analyzing the ummarized knowledge. The unique characteristics of MMMs are that it provides the capabilities of exploring the affinity relations among the images at the database level and among the databases at the cluster level respectively, using an effective data mining process. At the database level, each database is modeled by an intra-database MMM which enables accurate image retrieval within the database. Then the conceptual database clustering is performed and cluster-level knowledge summarization is conducted to reduce the cost of retrieving images across the databases. This framework has been tested using a set of image databases, which contain various numbers of images with different dimensions and concept categories. The experimental results demonstrate that our framework achieves better retrieval accuracy via inter-cluster retrieval than that of intra-cluster retrieval with minimal extra effort.
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