Author : CH V Divya Teja 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2016
Abstract: Identification of truthful packet dropping in wireless ad-hoc networks using HLA algorithm’s main purpose is to determine whether the is loss of packets are caused by link errors only or by the combined effect of link errors and malicious drop errors that are the two causes in multi-hop wireless adhoc networks. It is particularly considered for insider attack case, where by malicious nodes which are part of the route exploit cognition of communication context to selectively drop a small amount of packets that act critical to the network performance. Development of homo_morphic linear authenticator [HLA] is necessary to ensure truthful calculation of these correlations and to verify truthfulness of the packet loss information reported by nodes. This construction is privacy preserving, collusion proof and provokes low communication and storage overheads. To reduce computation overhead a packet block based mechanism is also proposed to trade detection accuracy for low computation complexity.
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