Open Access Journal

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

Open Access Journal

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (IJERCSE)

Monthly Journal for Computer Science and Engineering

ISSN : 2394-2320 (Online)

Online Payment System Using Steganography and Visual Cryptography

Author : Sumana Sarkar 1 Srinivas Goud 2 Prasad B 3

Date of Publication :7th March 2016

Abstract: This paper presents a new approach for providing limited information only that is necessary for fund transfer during online shopping thereby safe guarding customer data and increasing customer confidence and preventing identity theft. In recent time there is rapid growth in E-Commerce market. Major concerns for customers in online shopping are debit card or credit card fraud and personal information security. Identity theft and phishing are common threats of online shopping. The approach uses combined application of BPCS Steganography and visual cryptography for this purpose. Payment portal, a channel between consumers and payment processors, use numerous security tools to secure a consumer’s payment information, ordinarily card data, during an online transaction. Moreover, not all merchants provide a secure payment environment to their consumers and, in spite of having a standard payment plan, adhere to it. Consequently, this exposes a consumer’s payment information to risks of being compromised or misused by merchants or stolen by hackers and spammers.

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