Author : D.Akhila Reddy 1
Date of Publication :7th March 2016
Abstract: With the increasing volume of images users share through social sites, maintaining privacy has become a major problem, as demonstrated by a recent wave of publicized incidents where users share personal information. In light of these incidents, the need of tools to help users control access to their shared content is apparent. Toward addressing this need, we propose an Adaptive Privacy Policy Prediction (A3P) system to help users compose privacy settings for their images. We examine the role of social context, image content, and metadata as possible indicators of users’ privacy preferences. We propose a two-level framework which determines the best available privacy policy for the user’s images being uploaded. Our solution relies on an image classification framework for image categories which may be associated with similar policies, and on a policy prediction algorithm to automatically generate a policy for each newly uploaded image, also according to users’ social features.
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