Author : Rashmi Mothkur 1
Date of Publication :7th July 2016
Abstract: Artifiicial Intelligence technology is increasingly prevalent in our everyday lives. It is spread beyond the academic world with major players like Google, Microsoft and Face book. This resurgence has been powered in no small part by a new trend in Artificial Intelligence, specifically in machine learning known as Deep Learning. Deep learning is an approach and an attitude to learning, where the learner uses higher-order cognitive skills such as the ability to analyse, synthesize, solve problems and thinks meta cognitively in order to construct long-term understanding. It involves the critical analysis of new ideas, linking them to already known concepts and principles so that this understanding can be used for problem solving in new, unfamiliar contexts. Deep learning entails a sustained, substantial and positive influence on the way students act, think or feel. Deep learning promotes understanding and application for life. Deep learners reflect on the personal significance of what they are learning. They are autonomous –they virtually teach themselves. But they are also collaborative learners, with high meta-cognitive and learning skills. Deep Learning is going to teach us all the lesson of our lives: Jobs Are for Machines. This paper gives an overview of need for Deep Learning, Architecture, frameworks, applications and future scope of deep learning.
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