Date of Publication :7th August 2016
Abstract: The huge amount of data springs up naturally in various domains, which confronts a great challenge for the tralatitious data mining techniques in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. In order to achieve accurate information from the collected data various techniques gets evolved. Cluster analysis or clustering is the task of grouping a set of objects in such a way that objects in the same group are more similar to each other than to those in other groups. Boosting is the iterative process which aims to improve the predictive accuracy of the learning algorithms. Clustering with boosting improves quality of mining process. It is widely recognized that the boosting methodology provides superior results for classification problems. Boosting process possesses some limitations. Different approaches introduced to overcome the problems in boosting such as over fitting and troublesome area problem to improve performance and quality of the result. Cluster based boosting address limitations in boosting for supervised learning systems. In this paper, we propose the boost-clustering algorithm which constitutes a novel clustering methodology that exploits the general principles of boosting in order to provide a consistent partitioning of a dataset. The methodology is implemented in dot net and the experimental results show that the proposed methodology supports data in various environments even in presence of noise. The good performance in clustering the data gets obtained from large data set effectively.
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