Author : Arshiya A 1
Date of Publication :7th November 2016
Abstract: Inspired by the “Smart India” initiative, here we present you with our own idea of a Smart Home for the Smart India. As of now most of the people forget their keys in a hurry but no one forgets his Smartphone. So why not to make the smartphone as your security network to control your door? So now the security network can be governed by an NFC present in your phone or by programming an NFCtag to control your smart lock. NFC is known as Near Field Communication but it is limited to a distance of 10 cm maximum for the device to act. So just you need is a Smart phone with NFC and control your door lock with it. It’s very secure because NFC tags programmed to the lock can be ciphered and other than you no one can open it. If someone tries to open the lock with brute force the owner can be alarmed immediately.
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